A story is trending on the internet that highlights a few hacks to staying cool while asleep this summer, and some of these hacks have me scratching my head.
A New York Mattress company is looking for people who can sleep anywhere, and we do mean anywhere. Yes, you'll get paid to take naps here's how to apply.
Whether it's grocery shopping, asking for a raise, or making love there are certain times of day that are better than others. Here's when science says you should do these activities and a couple of others.
Instead of getting frustrated with her husband talking in his sleep, one wife decided to text him everything he was saying—and it's hilarious. Note, there is one not so safe for work word contained in the text messages, we wanted you to know before you clicked.
Flying can be exhausting. You got to get up so early, get there two hours before your flight and then wait, only to be delayed.
(Well, at least that's how all my flights lately seem to go.)
So have you been bad? I bet you have if you're waking up tired this morning? Were you bad in a good way or bad in the way I am about to describe? We've found 10 naughty ways you are ruining your good nights sleep. You are doing it whether you want to admit it or not, and here is how you are accomplishing that task.