Louisiana strawberries are good but when they are deviled they are heavenly, Here's how to kick a Louisiana favorite up a notch for your next summertime gathering.
According to the US FDA's website, a multistate outbreak of Hepatitis A could be linked to organic strawberries that were sold through several retailers.
Louisiana farmers are worried that more than 60 hours of subfreezing temperatures will hurt next year's sugarcane crop and strawberry farmers are surveying crops and it appears 30 to 35% of the crop is lost.
Despite crop losses that are estimated at 90% by some producers, Louisiana's Strawberry Festival will open today. The effects of flooding rains on this year's crop will likely mean consumers will be paying more for locally produced strawberries.
Freezing temperatures might delay Louisiana's sweetest crop. Growers are surveying the damage the cold weather might have done to the state's strawberry producers.
Chocolate dipped Louisiana Strawberries might be a bit scarce for Valentines Day. Cold weather has delayed the harvest of the state's largest fruit crop.