A long holiday weekend in Louisiana will most likely mean a watermelon will be served. How do you choose the best and the sweetest? Here are eight suggestions that won't lead you astray.
Just before the Labor Day weekend, social media users are reporting that watermelons purchased from Walmart stores are spontaneously exploding in their kitchens.
The South Carolina Gamecocks are slowly wrapping up their pre-season activities and like a lot of teams, they too are having some fun before the 2023 season starts.
I love me some Oreos -- from regular, to double stuff, to the mint ones, to the oranged colored ones for Halloween. Now there's word that Oreos is coming out with a special summer flavor. Brace yourselves for...Watermelon Oreos?!
What could be more American than watermelon? What could be more Japanese than making a watermelon explode in some sort of strange made for TV science experiment?