Where Can You Find Louisiana’s Best Chocolate Dessert?
The folks at the foodie website Delish.com have released their list of the Best Chocolate Desserts in every state. Okay, that's not really what their list is, their list is actually their choice for the best place to get a chocolate dessert in each state but they do offer a suggestion on what to get while you're there.
Because chocolate is such a passionate subject I felt obligated to do more research and see just exactly where the Delish.com top spot for Louisiana happens to be. It's not really a surprise that the pointer was lined up with New Orleans and a place called Sucre'.
After reading the Yelp! reviews for Sucre' I can see why it should be on a chocolate lovers bucket list. You can also see the choices for best chocolate dishes in neighboring states. For example, Mississippi boasts a place in Jackson that makes specialty popsicles.
The choice in Texas was also a frozen pop place, Steel City Pops in San Antonio. Arkansas boasted a place that was famous for a flourless chocolate cake. The place is called Local Flavor Cafe and it's in Eureka Springs.