Yelp Now Lets You Rate a Restaurant on Their COVID Practices
America has really changed over the last 12 months, and one thing that's really bothered me throughout the coronavirus pandemic is how many people aren't taking it seriously. I have two doctors in my immediate family, and if y'all aren't doing everything you can to stay safe, then maybe you should. And at the top of that list is just being sensible and wearing a mask, whenever you're out in public. It's not political, and nobody is trying to step on your constitutional rights. And a lot of states, cities, communities, and businesses are requiring you to do so. But somehow it has turned into a hot button issue.
Well, the restaurant review app Yelp has rolled out a feature for reviewers to rate restaurants on their COVID-19 practices. I love Yelp, and I use it all the time to find great places to eat, especially if I'm out of town. And now reviewers will have the ability to leave feedback on whether restaurants and businesses are following COVID health and safety practices
According to Delish.com "Every restaurant's profile on Yelp already has a COVID-19 section with a "Health & Safety Measures" heading that will now also include the new review criteria." This means you can leave feedback on whether the restaurant is following safety guidelines. Or not. It's a great way for you to support your local businesses that are trying their best to keep their employees and customers safe during this trying time. And frankly, I want to know if it's safe before I walk into a place and spend my money.
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