How many of you have heard "I'm sick, I have a sinus infection, etc." in just the past couple of weeks? Yes, me too. It seems like wherever we turn, someone is getting sick. Well, with all of the weather changes that we go through in South Louisiana and especially during cold and flu season, it's always a good idea to keep up with keeping yourself healthy. Here are few of my self help tips to stray away from what I call 'the crud.

  1. Wash, wash, wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Wash them after using the restroom, before you eat, after being around someone who is sick, and another time just in case.
  2. During this time of year, it is a good idea to keep some Emergen-C around. It helps with any allergies and possibilities of coming down with a cold. I take it often and it doesn't taste half bad either!
  3. Make sure not to spend too much time around someone who is sick and, more importantly, contagious. If you have to, make sure to take the proper precautions to keep yourself from catching 'the crud.'
  4. If you do get sick, make sure to sneeze away from others. I choose to cough/sneeze into my elbow or grab a tissue if there is one nearby. It helps to prevent the spread. And of course, wash your hands after.
  5. I like to carry hand sanitizer with me at all times. I have one attached to my purse and I keep one in my car. It is there when you can't get to a sink or bathroom to wash your hands.
  6. My last tip varies with different people, but it can help tremendously. Getting the flu shot. Some people find that it doesn't help them. However, it has spared many.

No one wants to be sick. It's just not fun. I would know, because I am one of the unlucky. I came down with a cold that turned into bronchitis. If you start to experience symptoms, my biggest tip is to take a trip to the doctor. They can get you the proper medicine to get you back to full health and prevent you from becoming contagious. We all know how crazy the weather in South Louisiana can be and that is one of the biggest reasons some get sick. I hope these tips help you and your family out. Maybe it can keep you from coming down with 'the crud' like me. This way you can properly enjoy the rest of the great season of Fall!

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