13 Things Men Like to Watch That Women Don’t Understand
Humans are naturally curious. Our observational skills and our ability to transform what we've seen into useful knowledge are what has placed us as a species dangerously close to the top of the food chain. I won't say we're on top all the time because I have YouTube and I've seen plenty of the stupid things that people do.
With most of us either being female or male, y'all can argue that point someplace other than here, there seems to be a wide discrepancy into what constitutes "worth watching".
There are things that capture the attention of the female of the species that men simply can't figure out. Things like Hallmark Christmas Movies in August or any month, even December for that matter. Shopping channels are another thing we men don't understand the attraction. I mean for the love of God how many pairs of black pants do you really need?
But this piece is less about what men don't understand about women and more about the questions the ladies have about why certain things intrigue us, men. No matter the upbringing of the boy or the socio-economic status of the man the following items are things that almost every man will stop to watch or at least look at in passing.
And every time we stop to watch or look, you ladies wonder, why? Well, if you'll stop answering your own question long enough to hear the reality I can explain it to you. No, you won't actually understand but at least you have some backstory to your confusion.
And, I don't care whether the man in your life is your husband, boyfriend, brother, father, uncle, guy at work, the fellow you just saw on the street, or God forbid, your own child you will see that man in most if not all of the following 13 scenarios.
Get ready for Understanding Men 101 a lady's guide through the simple minds of most men.
13 Things Men Enjoy Watching That Women Don't Understand