Women are mystified by the simple things that will capture a man's attention. Here are 13 things that almost every man will stop to watch and they don't know know exactly why.
Louisiana men are men of the Earth and outdoors and their scents should reflect that, right? Here are 13 options the fragrance industry must have missed.
AskReddit posed this question, "Men of Reddit; what thing would you do if it wasn't so 'feminine' or socially 'unacceptable'?", and men responded with answers you would never think could come from a guy.
Not all men back into parking spots; it's just that I've noticed that most of the people I see backing into parking spots are men. Why do they (we) do it?
Choosing a fragrance for men would be easier if the scent industry allowed men to pick the smells. Here we have picked 13 that any real man would love.
Men have tried everything throughout the years to make their face look better. The latest facial hair trend has left many online asking, "WHY?". Others are considering jumping on board with this new, and now viral, look.
As a man you are most likely to waste $3,000 over your lifetime by not listening to your significant other about this one particular issue. What's worth more, your pride or a fatter wallet?
According to a study, men and women can show their love for each other in some very unique ways. Here's how you can interpret that secret language where very few words are spoken.
There is a place in your home that is no man's land. It's the closet and your significant other will fight you to control it. The reason she will makes no sense what so ever.