Four things you might not have considered that men might want for Valentine's Day and the one obvious thing they want for Valentine's Day and every other day of the year.
There is something about the tonal qualities of the female voice that shut down parts of the male brain. I'm not making that up, it's a scientific fact.
Men as a species do not want things. We see things we want and we go get them. That leaves only things you think we want available for gift giving time.
Since the beginning of time, men have struggled to understand their women. Now, with advances in technology, men will now finally know how to respond to the classic "I'm fine" response from their women.
If you want to impress the girls you better not be seen wearing any of these items in public, private or any place where there is enough light for the eyes to see you.
Do you think advertisers target products for women differently than the do for men? If you don't believe it, you will after you watch this funny piece that lays it all on the line in less than a minute.
You could tell your significant other or a total stranger that this is all being done in the name of science. Kissing is so much more than just the romance we see on the silver screen. There is an actual science to the whole process.
This query is made more often than what is the meaning of life. It seems to be very important to women. Men aren't nearly as intrigued but I guess we'd still like to know the answer.
Sometimes it isn't just about knowing over or under, sometimes you just have to bother the learn the truth. While all of these facts are fascinating I find fact #2 in this list to be the most helpful bit of information I have ever learned. It may be the best time saving tip I have ever come across. It takes some guts to make it happen but man it works.
Oddly enough the phrase love life and two minutes have long gone hand in hand in my world but in this case we aren't talking about something you can't discuss in front of the kids. This is one thing that every person who loves another person should learn how to do. It may only take two minutes to learn but the effects can last a lifetime.
It's a given that women care a little more about their skin and complexion than your average, manly man. Sure, there are plenty of guys who wash their face with the latest acne cleanser, but I also know a lot of men who don't even have a facial cleanser anywhere in their house. I found some great skin care tip just for you guys, thanks to WebMd.
This may be the only dating website you will ever need. If you like talking farm animals that is. Actually this makes sense to me, since farming is a lifestyle you better know what your getting into before you go and fall in love.