5 Incredible Facts That Will Absolutely Astound You
We are supposed to learn something new every day right? Well since I know a lot of you weren't paying attention all week I am going to give you the chance to make up your learning curve right here. Many times in life what we have been told just isn't true and we don't have to accept over or under when it comes to toilet paper!
Are you ready for some astounding facts that will make you seem to be a virtual fountain of knowledge? Are you ready to be the go to guy in any social situation because of your vast wealth of information? You really think that's going to happen here?
Fact #1- You can clean unsightly vomit stains on your carpet by dabbing the area with vodka. That is an amazing fact to have in your back pocket! The same substance that was probably responsible for causing the vomit can help you remove the stain. Simply apply a generous amount of vodka to the area that is stained. Let the area soak for just a moment then dab up the excess liquid with a dry towel. Be sure to press hard to make sure you get all the liquid and bits of corn out of the carpet.
Fact #2- If you are shopping at Home Depot or Lowes and need help don't use the paging phone. Simply find one of the rolling staircase ladders they have scattered about the store and you will attract the attention of several customer service representatives and even a manager or two. Here is why. That giant ladder is a giant insurance risk. If you climb on it and fall there could be issues. While the store paging system works well, the store's "eyes in the sky", also known as security, will see you on the ladder and urgently direct employees to your location to make you climb down. Since you have their attention you may now ask your question.
Fact #3- The majority of the pedestrian "push for green light" buttons at intersections around the world are not connected to anything. That's right, the button is just there to make you think that the light is going to turn green because you need to cross. Many municipalities put these buttons at busy intersections to make pedestrians believe it will be faster and easier to cross at the corner. This makes the roadways safer for both pedestrian and driver since there aren't idiots jumping out into traffic like you see every day on Johnston Street by UL.
Fact #4- Men, contrary to popular opinion, dream about other men more than they do women. This is for all men, straight, gay and those somewhere in the middle. You might be wondering why that is? The male figures men encounter in their dreams are usually involved in aggressive situations. Since men are hard wired to be hot headed and start wars, we naturally think about conflicts. Since we don't usually view females as combatants we manifest our battles in the form and face of other men. It almost is enough to make you afraid to fall asleep, isn't it?
Fact #5-Your brain doesn't remember in video form, it remembers snapshots of people and places you have seen. Then that amazing gray matter between your ears fills in the gaps with what it presumes happened when the snapshot was taken. That is why two people can be at the same event, say a wedding, and have two very different memories of the same event. This is a great fact for husbands to use when recounting weddings, birthday parties, social faux pas and other events that wives seem to remember clearly. You can point out this article and she will have to believe your story too.
You are now caught up on your learning something new everyday. So let's head on into the weekend full of fun, football and fermented beverages and forget what we have learned so we will have room for more useless information next week.