Are You Ready If The Power Goes Out? [Video]
There is an area of storm activity in the Gulf that could turn into a tropical system with a name.
Our weather partners at KATC are closely monitoring what may happen in the Gulf of Mexico, and we will be able to give you updates throughout the day.
Are you ready for a storm? Do you have a game plan? Are you prepared to live without electricity for a day or more? Mary Laurent with SLEMCO says it's best to be prepared.
Laurent says for hurricane Lily, there workers were out for seven days in a row putting customers back on line, and they have to work on substations first.
Laurent says the best thing to do, is know your plan ahead of time, whether it's getting a generator, knowing how to use that generator when the storm kills your electricity or just not being home until power is restored. Laurent tells, "Acadiana's Morning News" how the whole process work to get your power back on.
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