Attack Ads In Senate Race Appear To Be A Voter Turnoff
Every election cycle the question is asked, "Why do these political commercials have to be so mean?" The truth is this. Negative campaign advertisements work. The reason they work is that most people who cast a vote are uninformed. Instead of voting on a candidate's platform, policy, and experience. The voter is swayed by the idea that one candidate is bad and the other is good.
This election cycle has been particularly brutal. The Presidential election has many people wanting to "just get it over with". In statewide politics, the race for U.S. Senate has been the contest that most voters are growing fatigued with.
Political analyst Bernie Pinsonat suggested in comments that were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network that the pendulum has swung on the negative ads. The ads are becoming a turnoff for voters and instead of touting one candidate's viability. They are just downright mean.
They’re there to attack people, and most of the people doing them as far as I can tell aren’t that talented. Some of them are just downright silly.
PInsonat's suggestions for Senate candidates seems to be a rather sound strategy. That strategy is simply this, win your home base.
That’s where they’re getting all their votes. So I would spend my time in my base getting out the maximum number of votes I can get, and that’s who’s going to make the runoff.
Election day across the state is Tuesday, November 8th. Polling places will be open from 6 PM until 8 PM. We suggest you plan on allowing extra time to cast your ballot. The lines are expected to be long as turnout is expected to be very heavy.