Billy Mays Infomercial Bloopers ! [Video]
The late Billy Mays will always have a special place in our hearts here at the Bruce and the Kennel Club show. Billy gave his last Lafayette radio interview to us just days before he passed away. Billy was a pitchman. He would tell you that proudly. He was proud of the products he pitched and he along with friend and co-star Anthony Sullivan made a living out of telling you and I, "Wait there's more!".
When ever you'd watch a Billy Mays infomercial you knew it was going to be slick and the product was going to be amazing. Little did we know that behind the scenes there were countless outtakes and bloopers. Here are some of them for you now. I will caution you the NSFW language has been "beeped" but still you might want to view this away from children of the boss.