Department Of Wildlife Contemplates Commercial Advertising On It’s Properties
Could Louisiana's pristine wildlife management areas soon take on the appearance of a NASCAR race car? I don't think it will go that far but the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is contemplating allowing advertising on some of it's properties.
Now before you start envisioning Target as the perfect sponsor for the white-tailed deer population let me stop you. The idea is to maybe allow a sponsor or signage at some of the property entrances or more likely an advertisement placed on department vehicles.
Spokesman for the department Bo Behringer says the idea has precedent.
We will be looking at opportunities for placement of commercial ads on our properties, which could be moving vehicles similar to what DOTD did with their Motorist Assistance vehicles.
In case you're wondering what kind of revenue an ad on vehicles can generate according to a story published by the Louisiana Radio Network the insurance company that sponsors those vehicles pays $250-thousand annually for the privilege.
Behringer went on to explain that advertising revenue would help keep LDWF self-sufficient. I think that is a good thing personally. If a few signs at a wildlife management entrance or a few decals on a truck can keep this department funded the way it deserves to be funded then I would be all for that.