If you were born after 1965 chances are you have spent a lot of time in front of a television set or with your ear next to a radio speaker. Whether you grew up in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, or Lake Charles chances are you were exposed to quite a few commercial messages in your day.

Maybe you saw that new T.K. Hulin Album advertised while you were watching the folks below "In Color" after school.  Now that was a big deal for me as a kid.


It's true, some of those "words from our sponsors" were not entertaining or memorable at all. But then again, some of them grew to be an iconic part of popular culture. I bet you can recall which restaurant asked "Where's the Beef" can't you?

President And Mrs Trump Host Picnic And Fireworks At White House On 4th Of July
Getty Images

For many Louisiana companies, the ability to get you to remember their name and the products and services they offered was enhanced by an advertising slogan. Maybe in your day, you've "Flown the Friendly Skies" or know that a certain brand of tobacco product drove English teachers crazy because it "Tasted Good Like a Cigarette Should". And yes, my computer's grammar correction program is screaming at me to change "like" to "as".

What Makes a Great Advertising Slogan?

Memorability is the main thing and relatability is probably a close second in priority if you ask me. Companies want consumers to remember their names and what they do. That way when you "Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing" you'll know what brand of stomach relief you need to get. But just don't spell it because that would be R-O-L-A-I-D-S. Can you tell I spent a lot of time in the company of commercials?

Ivan Pope, Flickr
Ivan Pope, Flickr

So we've toyed with you on a few national ad slogans you might remember if you ever had the need for flying United Airlines, smoking a Winston, or needing an Alka-Seltzer. But what about Louisiana brands? Let's see how you do with those.


Some of the companies whose slogans we've researched aren't around anymore, some of them are and because I am sneaky like a shrimp vendor at the Shrimp and Petroleum Festival I will attempt to throw you off with an unrelated picture next to the slogan.

Are you ready to play my game? Remember the rules, the slogans can be from the past or the present. The business may or may not still be in business. And, the pictures are not related to the brand's identity. Let me know how you did.

How Many Louisiana Brands Can You Identify Based Solely On Their Advertising Slogan?

Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikels

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