A new report issued by the Food and Drug Administration has Louisiana Restauranteurs and lovers of Louisiana Seafood grinning from ear to ear.

In that report the FDA has suggested that women who are pregnant might enjoy certain health benefits for themselves and their unborn child by consuming more seafood, particularly fish.


Louisiana Restaurant Association spokesperson Wendy Warren says the newly issued report just adds to what so many in Louisiana have known all along,

"Considering the benefits as well as any theoretical risks. The results clearly state that fish during pregnancy has a positive impact on growth and development of the baby,"

Williams comments were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.

The report from the FDA addressed concerns over mercury levels that have been reported in the past in some seafood samples. This new report sheds more light on that situation and clearly gives seafood a big thumbs up for expectant moms.

But the new FDA guidelines include a chart of the actual mercury levels which are really low in much of the seafood that you eat,"

Many pregnant moms had been scared away from seafood because of often confusing language  and erroneous information regarding contaminants or possible contaminants in seafood. The new report issued by the FDA clarifies their findings and uses clearer easier to understand language to make the point that seafood is not only delicious but a healthy choice for moms to be and anyone who wants to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.



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