I have seen this more than a few times online, "If you want to really know a person put them on a device with slow Internet and watch how they react". And, I would have to agree with that assessment.

Oli Scarff, Getty Images
Oli Scarff, Getty Images

Slow Internet is the bain of all online users. It doesn't matter whether you're gaming, on social media, or just trying to confirm the latest rumor about Tom Brady becoming a stand-up comedian. You want to know and you want to know now.

Internet providers have caught on to our obsession with online speed and they often boast and brag about how fast their service is compared to their competitors. However there are a large number of us, let's call us old folks, that really don't know what "fast" is supposed to look like. We determine Internet speed based on our attitude and aggravation quotient.

iStirfry Marcus via Unsplash.com
iStirfry Marcus via Unsplash.com

But you'll be pleased to learn there is a better way to check your online speed without having to resort to "the grumpy grandpa index". In fact, if you can get to Google, you can test your Internet speed right now.

Bermix Studio via Unsplash.com
Bermix Studio via Unsplash.com

Simply type the words "speed test" into the search box on the Google home page.

Google/Staff Photo
Google/Staff Photo

Make sure you read the fine print...or don't.  The speed test administrators are asking for your permission to check out your device and they will need to have your IP address. Not a horrible invasion of privacy but you need to be aware.

If you're cool with the legal jargon then all you have to do is hit  Run Speed Test. You will see a screen popup that looks similar to this screen.

Google/Staff Photo
Google/Staff Photo

The computers do all the work and in the end, they will tell you how fast your connection is operating. The test also gives you an idea of how fast your Internet is for different applications such as watching videos, streaming movies or connecting with friends.

You can use this information and compare what speed was promised to you by your Internet Service Provider. If you find your system is running way below the speed you're paying it would be in your best interest to contact customer support and see why your system is moving so slowly.

John Schnobrich via Unsplash.com
John Schnobrich via Unsplash.com

You might find out you're paying for too much speed when you don't really need that much but in most cases, users are finding out the numbers promised and the numbers delivered are usually very close if all things are working the way they should be working.

It's all about making sure that you get what you pay for. We hope this helps. Speaking of checking things out and making sure they are working properly before you really need them, now is the time to be thinking about these helpful hints.

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