Is the Mediterranean Diet the Best Diet Ever?
We all know that living a healthy, clean life is sometimes quite challenging. When there are fast food restaurants everywhere and 2 for 1 happy hour, it is hard to take in what your body will actually benefit from. According to WebMd, the Mediterranean diet might be the best diet for all of us to live by.
The best part about the Mediterranean diet is that you don't have to count calories or starve yourself. You can still eat your favorite foods, but it will be cleaner eating because you will be swapping out bad fats for good fats. With this diet, you will be swapping butter for good olive oil, fresh fruit for sugary sweets, fish and chicken for red meat, and so on. One of the best parts about this diet is that you can still enjoy wine and whole-grain bread in moderation!
A wise person once told me that "smart grocery shopping" means shopping along the outside of the grocery store. 'Outside' meaning never shop in the center/up and down the aisles of the grocery store; this is where you will find mostly everything that is not healthy for you. Shopping along the outside means you will hit the produce, dairy, meat, and seafood sections. Create a delicious, healthy Greek salad with the Mediterranean diet.
So, what is good fat? Good fat is essential for your body. Nuts, avocados, olives, olive oil, etc. all help fight several, harmful diseases. Also, many Mediterranean dishes are loaded with spices which help keep you full longer. Your heart will benefit immensely from being on this diet because all of the good fats help to lower high cholesterol.
Seriously y'all, if you are looking for a healthy diet to follow, or you just want to make a couple health changes in your life, try the Mediterranean diet.