Fans will do anything to watch their favorite team and these fans went the distance to catch a glimpse of their favorite baseball team.

A photo circulating on social media shows two fans in deer stands sitting and watching their favorite high school baseball team in postseason action.

The two young fans are seen sitting on a device hunters use to get up in a tree when deer hunting, but in this photo, no one was hunting and there was no tree in sight.

However, there's an electric pole and these fans used to it to get the best view of their team in Pitkin, Louisiana.

KBT Photography
KBT Photography

While the team walked away with a victory to advance in the high school playoff bracket,  these fans in deer stands may have stolen the show.

Another fan, who was not in a seat attached to the pole, is seen sitting on top of a truck to see the game.

Now, we don't know if the game was sold out or if these fans just wanted to avoid paying admission, but they may have had the best seats in the house this week.

One last thing, hunting season is closed so you do have to applaud these fans for putting their "resources" to good use.


Troy Boudreaux
Troy Boudreaux


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Gallery Credit: Aubrey Jane McClaine

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