Judge Tosses Controversial Edmonson Retirement Increase
It seemed odd from the very beginning. In fact the package seemed so out of line that the two men who would benefit the most from it asked that it not happen. Now a State District Judge has made sure that one of the most boondoggled state spending requests will not see the light of day nor will it affect your pocketbook.
The issue in questions a huge increase in the retirement package for State Police Superintendent Col. Mike Edmonson. The changes in the retirement package that would have affected Edmonson and one other State Trooper was passed in the closing moments of the 2014 legislative session. The legislation as it turns out was deeply flawed.
"It gave special, extra retirement benefits to people who had the political clout to get a special bill passed by the legislature and that's not right."
Those are the words of State Treasurer John Kennedy as reported by the Louisiana Radio Network. It was Kennedy who brought the unique retirement situation to light and made sure that it was scrutinized by the legal system. According to reports, both Edmonson and the other trooper that would have received the windfall retirement package say they had no intention of keeping the payments if they went through.
Just to make sure there would be no question about the plan, the payments, or the package State District Judge Janice Clark ruled that the legislation that would have authorized these huge retirement benefits was unconstitutional.This, according to Kennedy, gets the legislation off the books for good.