A little girl applied for the position of Head Coach with the New Orleans Saints, and she received the best rejection letter ever!

As you know, New Orleans Saints Head Coach Sean Payton retired at the end of this last season, putting the team on a search for a new coach. I would guess that several people applied, but none of them are as cute as "Izzy".

I don't know Izzy, nor do I know her family, but it appears that she is a HUGE Saints fan. How huge? She lives in Tennessee. They have their own NFL franchise, with fancy uniforms and a big stadium and everything, but Izzy chooses to root for the Saints.

@ssherma33 (whom we assume is Izzy's father) is obviously a Saints fan, too, as his Twitter account has references to NOLA, the Pelicans, and Britney Spears.

He posted a series of photographs on Twitter that show Izzy as she "applies" to be the head coach.

The first photo shows Izzy holding an envelope addressed to the Saints. It reads:

Ms. Gayle Benson
New Orleans Saints
5800 Airline Dr.
Metairie, LA 70003

Helping your pre-teen daughter apply to be the head coach of a National Football League team is cute and all, and I am certain that it is a great way to teach her about life, but: what are the chances that she'd be considered for the job? Or even get a response?

With that being said, the next few photographs blew me away!

@sshera33 took to Twitter to show the surprise that awaited his family:

So my girl applied to be the next HC of the ⁦@Saints⁩ when ⁦@SeanPayton⁩ retired. Just got home from the parades this weekend and found an amazing surprise from the team! #whodat - @ssherma33 via Twitter

The second photo shows Izzy holding a box, addressed to her, FROM GAYLE BENSON!

Inside the box, Izzy found three items that she will probably cherish for the rest of her days: a personal rejection letter from Gayle Benson, a team photo, and an autographed football from the New Orleans Saints.

The letter, in part, reads:

Dear Izzy,

Thank you for your letter regarding the head coach position. I am sorry we received this after we hired Coach Dennis Allen and you were not part of our interview process.

Okay, so maybe I was a bit harsh when I called it a "rejection" letter. Let's call it a "sorry you missed out" letter.

Gayle Benson, in the letter, continues:

It was so nice to learn about your family.

Please be assured I will pass your letter on to Coach Allen and should we get an opening we will let you know.

Even if it is for one minute, during one game, I hope that the Saints host Izzy as an "Honorary Coach", give her a clipboard, and let her stand on the sidelines during a game. How awesome would that be?  Ah, I digress; back to the letter:

Keep up the good work on your grades, I am so proud of you for 100% on your Math report card.

Stay well, continue to work hard in school and always remember you can do anything you work for and set your mind to.

Coming from a very successful businesswoman, I am hoping that the words in that last paragraph stay fresh on Izzy's brain for a long time to come.

May you receive many continued blessings,

With kindest personal regards,

Gayle Benson

PERSONAL REGARDS! Gayle Benson didn't just send general regards or casual regards, it was PERSONAL REGARDS!

Oh, the postscript:

PS- I have enclosed a football and team photo for you and Zakk. See you at the games!

This. Is. First. Class!

I know that it was probably an intern who wrote the letter, gathered the signatures on the football, stuffed the box, addressed and mailed it, but to get that done, it MUST have Gayle Benson's stamp of approval. That "stamp" came in the form of Gayle Benson's signature.

What a great day for Izzy and her WHODAT family!

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