Louisiana City Ranks as One of Worst When It Comes to Package Thieves
You have got to protect what you buy.
A website, SafeWise, studied the metrics when it came to lost packages or stolen packages and they came up with the top ten cities with the most packages snatched from the front porch.
Sadly, New Orleans came in at number two when it comes to thieves stealing packages during the holidays.
Let me take the time here to remind you that there are a few things you can do to protect your purchases during the holiday season..
For one, I would suggest having your packages sent to your workplace if you're not home during delivery times.
Also, you may want to consider adding a doorbell with a camera on it to your home. The cameras never lie and technology is a great thing when it comes to protecting your property.
Another thing we have done in our neighborhood is to have packages delivered to those at home while we are away. You can also request that your packages be dropped off in your backyard so that they are as visible.
Allow us to remind you that regardless of where you live, some will always look to take advantage of the situation and it is our responsibility to protect what we own.
Be smart and don't become a victim, protect yourself from the "porch pirates" this holiday season.