Louisiana Legislature Debates Hands Free Cellphone Use
Driving while talking on a cellphone is not a great idea. We all do it. It's still not a great idea. The idea of driving while focused on something other than driving is never good, at least using a hands free device makes it somewhat safer or do they?
The implementation of hands free devices for cellphone users in cars is expected to be debated beginning today in the current session of the Louisiana Legislature. The author of the bill Breaux Bridge Representative Mike Huval says it's not only a safety issue but a monetary issue too.
"The insurance rates in our state are very high as everybody knows when they go buy insurance for their car. This may be just another factor that maybe we could lower our insurance cost in our state,"
Huval's comments were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.
Under Huval's proposal, talking while driving on a cellphone would be a secondary offense. That means you could not be pulled over for talking on your phone, but if you were pulled over for another reason that could be added on. Huval suggest that with the advent of newer and better hands free technology many drivers would opt for a Bluetooth system since so many vehicles now offer that as a standard feature.
The discussion on Huval's legislation is expected to begin today during the current session of the Louisiana Legislature.
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