
Should Cellphone Use While Driving Be Banned In Louisiana?
Should Cellphone Use While Driving Be Banned In Louisiana?
Should Cellphone Use While Driving Be Banned In Louisiana?
In support of this national campaign, SB98 has been proposed that will ban phone usage while driving. According to Louisianaradionetwork.com the bill passed in committee without objection and has already received Senate approval.
Hands-Free Cellphone Use
A bill being discussed in the Louisiana Legislature is designed to keep us safer on the roadways and lower our car insurance. How come this hasn't passed before? Probably because a lot of us don't want it to.
Sweet Dog Reacts To Different Ringtones [Video]
Sweet Dog Reacts To Different Ringtones [Video]
Sweet Dog Reacts To Different Ringtones [Video]
His facial expressions and his expressive eyes tell the story. I wonder if he wishes he could talk to the dogs that are calling him or if he is wishing that noise would stop so he could go back to doing something important like dragging his butt across the floor.
It’s Official — We’re Addicted to Our Cell Phones [POLL]
It’s Official — We’re Addicted to Our Cell Phones [POLL]
It’s Official — We’re Addicted to Our Cell Phones [POLL]
Everywhere you go you see people that appear to have their cell phones physically attached to their ears and thumbs for fear that if don’t stay glued to the godforsaken thing they just might miss out on something as important as a Facebook status update or the latest social commentary in the form of a meme. If you are one of these people, the good news is, you are not alone.
A Flexible Phone You Can Fold [Video]
A Flexible Phone You Can Fold [Video]
A Flexible Phone You Can Fold [Video]
Unless you are an old guy like me you probably don't remember the bag phone. It was the first generation of what we now call our cell phone. I remember having a bag phone back in the day and I thought I was pretty hot stuff. Then came the flip phones, the iPhone, the reinvented Razor phones and now this...

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