It's a great feeling returning a wild animal to its natural habitat. Oh, I didn't see that coming. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to.
In an effort to always keep you prepared for anything we now provide a simple how to video of how to catch a kangaroo. Who knew it was this easy to do!
This bird has decided to move into the tree next to our bathroom. He or she is constantly banging into the window. I would really like the bird to stop before it kills itself, suffers permanent injury or breaks my window. What do I do?
On Sunday, Pope Francis and two children symbolically released two white doves from the Vatican in front of tens of thousands of people in St. Peter's Square.
Birds and motorsports do not mix. Well when they do mix the results are never very good for the bird. Such as in this case when a wayward seagull makes a physical connection with a Grand Prix racing motorcycle. The comments from the British announcer is absolutely priceless.
I guess dealing with birds is the same mentality we have in dealing with bugs. We forget that we are the larger species and can actually control the situation
While this is an older video…it’s new to me. Look, I feel for the bird. He shouldn’t have had to go out that way…but DANG this is funny.
You’ve probably heard that red cars get more speeding tickets, and that they cost more to insure. Contrary to popular belief, neither of these oft-quoted arguments against going red are true.