haunted houses

'Tree Farm Massacre' Haunted House
'Tree Farm Massacre' Haunted House
'Tree Farm Massacre' Haunted House
With Halloween just a couple of weeks away, we'd better get all of the hootenanny out of our systems can before it passes us by. I just found out about a haunt in Leesville, La called the "Tree Farm Massacre" and it definitely looks road trip worthy.
Louisiana Haunted Houses
Louisiana Haunted Houses
Louisiana Haunted Houses
As I was searching the internet looking for different Halloween haunted houses, festivals, hayrides and things to do this Halloween, I came across this website that is pretty much a one-stop-shop for finding Halloween events all across Louisiana.
The Devil's Knot
The Devil's Knot
The Devil's Knot
"The Devil's Knot" is described as a "walking haunted trail where anything from your scariest nightmares is possible to happen." By the looks of the pictures on their Facebook page, they are not kidding.