A recent report from Moody's Investors Service is now suggesting that lower than desired oil prices will be a part of the South Louisiana economy at least until early 2016.
Most of what you hear reported in the national media has to do with nuclear operations in Iran and how those will be monitored. That is certainly a big part of the story, but why does that story affect me in Louisiana? Jobs, that's why.
Louisiana motorists will find themselves paying a little bit more for a gallon of gas at the pump this week. Oil prices continue to rise too. Is this just a seasonal adjustment or has the industry begun a significant price correction?
While motorist are enjoying gas prices that are a dollar lower than what we were paying last year. One industry expert says $5 a gallon gas in on the horizon.
Anyone driving to feast for Thanksgiving felt a little fatter in the wallet as well as in the waistband. It's really nice paying well south of $3 for a gallon of gas, especially headed into a time of year when we could all use a little more money to spend on other things...
A preliminary agreement with 12 municipalities in the state will allow for Midla to rebuild and improve their current pipeline. The pipeline which stretches roughly 370 miles from Winnsboro Louisiana to Natchez Mississippi provides natural gas for thousands of customers in Louisiana and Mississippi.
A new initiative is being worked to insure that there will be a trained and skilled workforce for oil and gas production in the Gulf of Mexico for the future.
The decision will likely indicate whether a series of such lawsuits filed by Plaquemines and Jefferson parishes will be tried in state court or federal court.