The move is aimed at global energy markets, but also at voters who are coping with higher inflation and rising prices ahead of Thanksgiving and winter holiday travel.
Officials have not yet cleared the site for the removal of the bodies. Holes are being cut in the roof of the building to begin retrieving the crumbled pieces
There is some grim news for the oil and gas industry in Louisiana if you believe the results of a "point-in-time" survey by the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association (LOGA).
Hurricane Harvey shut down multiple refineries in Texas, idling about 25% of US production. Gasoline prices spiked almost immediately. There's good news on the horizon. AP reports, one of the country's largest refineries is gearing up to resume production...
I'm thankful my husband still has his job in the oilfield, but there are many families in south Louisiana who are suffering because of the drop in oil prices. I know it scares me, and it's a real fear for them.
Insiders in Washington, D.C. tell us that the release of the federal government's final report on the Deepwater Horizon disaster is imminent. Some sources close to the report say that it could be available for public consumption as early as today.
Could the next big oil boom in Louisiana be right beneath your feet? If you are in the northern listening area of 97.3 The Dawg, I suggest you be very wary of anyone wanting to secure mineral rights on your property in the very near future. What is the source of this whispered buzz being spoken about in lunch meetings and conversations? 7-BILLION BARRELS of oil and natural gas that can be pumpe
Could it be that America's energy problems could be solved by something as simple as a Chia Pet? Okay not that simple but a New England company says it has found an organism that "grows' diesel fuel or ethanol! Honey could you pick me some tomatoes and enough gas to mow the yard...