I love Oreos. I don't think there has been a flavor they've come out with that I haven't liked. Now, Oreo is having a contest for the next Oreo creation, and if you an idea delicious enough, they just might make it, and give you $500,000!
If you plan on popping a Peep Oreo be forewarned that you might be facing a few strange looks and you could be in for a really unique surprise the following day.
Remember the day when you could only get Oreos one way? You know, a couple of chocolate flavored cookie wafers sandwiched around some delicious sweet cream filling.
In what could be the scandal of the century (or just today), a high school math class in New York is claiming that Double Stuf Oreos don't actually contain double the creme filling as regular Oreos.
We all know that the best thing about Oreos is the filling. That's why we love Double Stuffed Oreos so much. What if we lived in world where we could have as much filling in our Oreos as we wanted?
I love me some Oreos -- from regular, to double stuff, to the mint ones, to the oranged colored ones for Halloween. Now there's word that Oreos is coming out with a special summer flavor. Brace yourselves for...Watermelon Oreos?!