One woman from Lafayette, Louisiana, remembers a dream coming true in 1998 when she met Bob Barker as a contestant on The Price Is Right and won prizes.
Real Price is Right fans know the game but they don't remember the kind of car that was the very first one to be given away on the classic television game show.
The third time turned out to be quite the charm for a Denham Springs woman who won big on the March 3 episode of the daytime TV game show, The Price is Right.
This is not a question that you want to bring up in mixed company. The passion for the Price Is Right TV show runs very high and very deep in this country.
Haven’t you ever been groggily watching ‘The Price is Right’ one morning, only to find yourself thinking, “boy, that reasonably priced set of crystal stemware would seem more obtainable if it were presented by a handsome chap, rather than this distractingly attractive gal?” Word for word, you say? Well, good news everyone! ‘The Price is Right’ is about to become equal opportunity, and you could