Here are 10 (11 if you include mine) times people have reported strange sights in the skies of Acadiana. Have you seen anything that defies explanation?
From time to time I'll come across videos showing strange lights in the sky over Acadiana. I've even taken one of these videos myself. I just came across this video, filmed about 3 weeks ago, showing a huge cluster of lights hovering and moving in the night sky over Lafayette. This is the strangest video I've seen yet.
It's a big ole universe out there. It's filled with gas, rocks, black holes and aliens. OK, we haven't technically proven the alien part yet, or have we?
A video is going viral showing what appears to be a giant sea creature in the ocean off the coast of Antarctica by Google Earth. Did someone finally "awaken the Kraken"?
A video is going viral showing what appears to be a giant sea creature in the ocean off the coast of Antarctica by Google Earth. Did someone finally "awaken the Kraken"?
Lafayette and Acdiana are no strangers to what may or may not be UFO sightings. What the heck are these strange lights people keep getting video of floating around in the skies over Cajun country? A video I personally took is included in this of "Five Times People Saw UFOs Over Lafayette And Acadiana". To this day I don't have an answer as to what it I videoed in the sky that night.
Captain Edgar Mitchell was the lone surviving crew member of Apollo 14's mission to the moon. He was a space explorer, champion of UFO's and a straight talking Texan. Every political leader on the face of the Earth should read and heed Captain Mitchell's words. Our world would be so much better if they did.