The big discussion in men's underwear is the flap. The slide to the side opening where a gentleman might gain access to his private parts should the need arise to empty his bladder. Who uses it?
It is a sad state of affairs when you have to put in writing that drawers are required to do your job!
In Little Rock, Arkansas, the school district just introduced a new set of guidelines for teachers and one of them is that teachers must wear underwear. Another is that they must wear shoes.
We’ll take ‘Stories We Never Thought We’d Post’ for $1,000, Alex. Recently a pair of what are rumored to be Queen Elizabeth’s royal panties went up for auction on eBay. A mystery buyer has now purchased them and become the proud owner of the used skivvies.
Luke Bryan served as the red carpet correspondent for ‘Ellen’ at the 2011 CMA Awards on Wednesday night (Nov. 9), and he worked it. With his charming personality and his terrific sense of humor, Bryan was perfect for the gig. Bryan and Ellen DeGeneres (via satellite) had fun with their interviews. Normally, red carpets are serious and somewhat stale affairs, but this duo asked silly questions and