Chances are somebody is going to be upset that the temperature is not quite right for them. The battle lines are usually drawn along gender lines. The men are always too hot and the women are always too cold.
Why can't we just say we need to get away from the never-ending intrusion of work via technology into our personal lives? Even the greatest artists need to take a step back and reevaluate the big picture in order to get it right.
In my opinion, it would be tough to have a better job than working at a radio station. Granted, there are some things that we complain about, but I think that one thing that would make it better is if the radio station offices were on Avery Island...
It's the little things you do that make us love you and also want to kill you in your sleep. Okay, that's a little strong, your co-workers are annoyed and this is the reason why.
I've laid it all out for you. If you say 'Monday's Suck!', you are not whining, you are simply stating a scientific fact. The proof of such lies within.
Apparently, showing up to work on time is a growing concern for employers these days. According to a new survey by CareerBuilder, 23% of us show up late to work at least once a month.
How many offices have internet blocks? Or tattler software that lets 'Big Brother" know that you have been on Facebook or shopping sites while you are on the clock? Oddly enough those sites only take about four minutes of the average workers time...
A new survey asked bosses to name the dumbest excuses that employees have given trying to get out of work. If these are the best lies people can come up with, then we need to learn to be a little more creative!