Task Force Meets To Decide How To Spend Flood Relief Money
The Restore Louisiana Task Force has a daunting job in front of them. It will be a job that will most likely not make all the people happy all the time. Such is the case when it comes to spending government money. Governor Edwards appointed the members of the task force to insure that all funds supplied to and from the state are spent in the best way possible to help speed the recovery of as many residents and business as possible.
The bottom line is we’ve got to help families displaced by the flood to make the viable decision as soon as possible to return home.
Governor Edwards made that comment in speaking to the Louisiana Radio Network about the ultimate responsibility of the task force. He suggested that Louisiana could be receiving billions of dollars in aid and all of that money needs to be spent wisely and judiciously for the good of the people.
We’re not just moving people home, but we’re going to move people home and do it in such a way that they are less likely in the future to flood.
Currently millions of dollars in federal flood relief are being debated in congress at this time. It is hoped there can be a bipartisan agreement in both the House and Senate to approve that funding so that Louisiana residents can get back to their homes quickly.
Governor Edwards told task force members,
I don’t want you all to focus so much on what’s going on with Congress. I want you to focus on what we’re going to do for the people of Louisiana, and the Congressional delegation is going to make sure that we get the assistance that we need.
That seems like a sound plan to be ready to move the moment the money is approved. There is no point in waiting around to come up with a plan while the money sits in the bank. There are still thousands of Louisianians who are displaced by the recent heavy rains of August in South Louisiana and the torrential downpours of earlier this year in North Louisiana.
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