As a proud, always voted, American I think the voter turnout for every election should be 100%. The choices we make at the ballot box determine our direction as a community, a state, and a nation. There are times when the candidate or issue I support wins, there are times when they do not, either way, I am always glad I had my say included.

Dr. John Sutherlin knows more about politics than anyone else I know. Dr. John, as we call him, is with the Political Science Department at the University of Louisiana at Monroe. He is also the host of a daily issue-oriented talk show where politics and policy are regular topics.

I asked Dr. John what significance he felt the record early voting turnout and an overall larger turnout could mean for the outcome of the election.

Louisiana may see slightly elevated numbers, as is often the case in a Presidential or contested state-wide race.  But, early voting could be a sign that people are just tired of this process and want it to end now.  With a larger turnout, Louisiana could see more competitive races as Democrats are often favored.

Keeping that trend in mind, what could this mean for the United States Senate race?

Conventional wisdom tells you a Democrat and a Republican will make the run-off in our jungle primary system.  But, the introduction of Democrat Carolyn Fayard has meant trouble for Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell, especially in black urban precincts.

However, Congressman Boustany also does well here.  His endorsements by newspapers across the state, while not important in a vacuum, represents moderate Democratic districts.

As you analyze race for the United States Senate in Louisiana , most pundits are predicting a runoff. If you had to make a prediction which candidates are most likely to earn a position in that runoff election?

The best bet: Campbell vs. Kennedy for the run-off.  There, Kennedy cleans Campbell's clock.  Boustany still has an outside chance.  Both he and Congressman Fleming never seemed to expand past their districts, while Republican Kennedy already had a state reputation.

Almost all of the campaigns have plenty of money left for the final push to November 8th so you can expect to be inundated on radio and television for the next seven days as each candidate attempts to distinguish themselves in your mind and earn your vote.



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