$366.7 Million – Single Ticket Claims Powerball Jackpot
The multi-state lottery game Powerball has not had a big jackpot winner in 63 days. That all changed with last night's (06/29/22) drawing in the big-money game. The Powerball jackpot that was reported as the ping pong balls fell last night just before 10 pm Louisiana time was revealed to be $366,700,000.00 dollars.
There had been 26 drawings in the Powerball game since the last time a ticket took home the game's top prize. That was April 27th of this year and the jackpot went to a ticket purchaser who secured their ticket in Arizona.
As you have probably figured out, we have a new winner. Here's the way the drawing unfolded last night.
If you were unable to watch the video, here's the way the balls bounced.
08 40 49 58 63 Powerball 14 Powerplay option x3.
Naturally, when we discovered the Powerball had gotten a winner we went immediately to the Louisiana Lottery's Big Wins page to see if the lucky ticket was purchased in The Boot. We discovered that 11 tickets sold for the June 29th drawing in Louisiana were worth $100. There were four tickets sold in the state that are worth $300 this morning. Those players more than likely opted in for the Powerplay.
But what we didn't see was a Louisiana sold ticket that matched the numbers for all the money. We did see that a ticket sold in Illinois matched enough numbers to claim one million dollars but as luck would have it, and you know the lottery is a game of luck, right?
The big money jackpot winner was sold in one of the smaller states in the union. According to the Powerball website, the ticket for last night's drawing that featured a top prize of $366.7 million was sold in the Green Mountain State of Vermont.
Powerball officials, as of very early this morning had not released details of what town in Vermont the ticket was sold nor the location where the ticket was purchased. You can bet that information will be showing up online later this morning.
The big win means that the Powerball drawing scheduled for this Saturday night will be worth $20 million. That's the jackpot starting point for both Powerball and Mega Millions, the other multi-state lottery game.
Now, if $20 million isn't enough to entice you to play Powerball on Saturday you might want to drop a buck or two on Mega Millions on Friday. The jackpot in that game will be an estimated $360 million when those ping pong balls drop just before 10 pm on July 1st.
If you're looking for local options that will still offer a very handsome return for the risk, you might want to take a look at Lotto from the Louisiana Lottery. That jackpot on Saturday night will be almost $2.4 million. You still have to match six numbers but the pool of numbers and the pool of players is considerably less than the action that takes place during a Powerball or Mega Millions game.
Another local option would be the Easy 5 game. That game only requires that you match five numbers and the current jackpot is $110,000. Again, the odds are a little better because of fewer numbers and fewer players.
While we do love having fun in bringing you the stories of these big lottery wins, the reality is that most people who play don't win the big jackpots. In fact, most of us who play lose money so you need to play responsibly. And, if you or a loved one feels as if their gambling is out of control, call this number 1-800-770- STOP (7867). A trained counselor will help direct your call to the proper agency so you or your loved one can get help.
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