Chef Jill’s Short Cuts To Great Meals – Foodie Friday
Over the past year of so every Friday we have talked food with Chef Jill McCoy in our Foodie Friday series. We've often discussed healthy recipes, great desserts, and different ways to prepare your favorite foods into interesting and delicious meals.
This week Chef Jill and I were discussing the NBA Finals. She is a huge LeBron James fan. We were talking about the way LeBron prepares for each game. That's when Chef Jill sprung this idea on me.
The secret to great meals is preparation
I was aware that chopping vegetables before you needed them in the pot was a good idea. I was also aware of the cardinal rule of cooking with hot pans; make sure you have a place to set it down before you take it off the stove.
But what other steps could there be to making a great meal that seems exquisite easier?
Chef Jill has three basic tips that will help make almost any dish or dinner party a breeze.
1. Shop on Sunday: That's usually the day when the grocery stores aren't as crowded and you aren't as tired.
2. Cook ahead when you can: Who knew there were so many facets of your meal that you could make a day or two ahead. That saves time, energy, and room on the stove or in the oven.
3. Make your own shortcuts: Almost all of us who enjoy time in the kitchen have learned a trick or two. Make a note of yours and be sure to plan them into your meal preparation.
Oh and one other thing, the featured image in this piece is of a very young Chef Jill and her very kind and talented father Dr. David McCoy. Dr. McCoy from your extended radio family, Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day, I hope your daughter will handle the cooking for you this weekend.