FBI VS Apple Case Could Affect Louisiana Murder Trial
In this brave new world of modern technology information and where it is stored and can possibly be attained can be an asset to law enforcement. The other side of that coin is an individuals right to privacy. Just how far can the long arm of the law reach into your personal life before your civil liberties have been violated?
A current battle between the FBI and Apple over an iPhone that was used by terror suspects in a California shooting could have major implications in a murder case in Baton Rouge. The FBI believes that the iPhone of Syed Farook contains information that could offer valuable insight into terror activities in the U.S. and around the world. Apple believes that a persons right to privacy is just that, a right that is protected under the Constitution.
How does this affect the Louisiana case?
The case involves the death of 29 year old Brittany Mills. Mills was killed after answering a knock at her door last April. East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore believes information contained in Mills iPhone will shed light on the case. However, authorities cannot get into the phone because of Apple security measures.
Moore told the Louisiana Radio Network that the results of the case between the FBI and Apple could have a strong impact on this case.
It’s not ordering them to break in the phone but it orders them to assist the FBI in coming up with a way to get the information they’re looking for
Moore said that Apple maintained that hacking an iPhone is not possible for them to do either.
Apple has told us all along that they have built a phone to where they cannot physically or technologically get in the phone
So the court ruling in the FBI case in California might be a moot point after all is said an done anyway. Plus there is no guarantee that any ruling from that case could be used as a precedent for the case in Baton Rouge. However, it would seem to provide some legal footing for the DA's office to stand on.
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