Entergy Customers Seem None to Happy With Their High Summer Bills
With high fuel prices, hot temperatures, and coming off of five hurricanes in the last two years, most of us were bracing for high power bills. But, even though we readied for it, many of us are not very happy with our power companies right about now.
And while I hate to "pick" any of our power companies, the one that I've seen the most complaining about on social media is Entergy.
This past month, it seems that many of my friends on Entergy power have seen their bills jump drastically.
My buddy Paul Prince posted his July bill on Facebook with the caption: "What's going on with Entergy?"
As you can see, Paul's family paid $506 last month. However, he said that the most he had ever paid before was $400, and that was only once.
I saw another post on Facebook from Veronica Knight where she shared some other people's bills that were posted. The amounts are staggering.
About a month ago, Entergy did warn customers to prepare for higher summer bills. Of course, that isn't exactly helping customers feel any better.
Exactly why are Entergy bills so high?
Entergy spokesperson David Freese told BRProud.com that bills are increasing because of higher gas costs, a storm restoration fee, and more energy being used. And unfortunately, Freese said that residents in all parts of Louisiana have to pay the storm cost since all customers are vulnerable to severe weather threats.
"All customers sharing cost allows us to keep the overall cost down and keep bills more affordable," said Freese.
It's those recovery fees that have many customers riled up. One customer we saw complaining online said that 41 percent of his bill this past month went to fuel adjustment.
Freese said the company is not profiting from the fuel adjustment and storm restoration costs, however. He said as gas prices go up, so too does the cost of electricity.
"In fact, during the week of June 20th, Entergy Louisiana reached an all-time peak usage of 9960 megawatts. And so the previous peak was back in 2015, and we hit a new peak this summer," he said.
Is there anything that can be done to combat these high power bills?
Louisiana Commissioner Foster Campbell said he is against the storm restoration fees. He said he's pushing for more customers to speak up to their public commissioner for change.
“We are doing everything we can to get wind power in the state of Louisiana and solar energy,” said Campbell.
What can I do if I need assistance in paying my Entergy bill?
Entergy has a whole page on their website with information regarding payment extension, deferred payment arrangement, level billing, and bill payment assistance.
Visit this page on their website for information regarding all the aforementioned
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