Could the days of the Louisiana voters choosing and Governor and a Lt. Governor separately about to be coming to an end? They certainly could be if legislation filed for consideration in the Louisiana Legislature is approved.

The measure submitted and filed by Covington Representative Mark Wright would, in his words, make state government more efficient.

It makes no sense to have completely separate departments on an industry like tourism that is a huge industry for the state. As far as I am concentered that should be under the governor’s office

Wright's comments, reported by the Louisiana Radio Network, reference the fact that the Lt. Governor's main focus is on tourism. Representative Wright went on to say that his legislation is not a shot directed at current Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser.

I think the idea would certainly change the face of Louisiana politics and change the complexion of our state's elections. The addition of a like-minded running mate could also allow for the Lt. Governor to have more of a roll in the actual processes of government and policymaking.

The idea will be in front of our hired-hands in Baton Rouge over the next few weeks. Should legislators approve the measure it would then go before the voters as part of the November 3rd Presidential election. Similar legislation has been brought before the Louisiana House and Senate previously. Most recently a measure very close in concept to Representative Wright's proposal was defeated in May of last year.


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