Louisiana Leads Nation in Medical Malpractice Suits
If you're currently a physician in Louisiana, I'm sure this isn't news to you because of the insurance rates you're paying. By the looks of this interactive map from zippia.com, it seems that almost everyone in Louisiana has sued their doctor.
Zippia.com took the number of malpractice suits in each state, and then divided by the state's population to get all the data in the map below.
As you can see, not only is Louisiana the clear leader in malpractice lawsuits, but leads by quite a large margin.
From zippia.com -
Dear doctors in Louisiana,
We're sorry. Of all the states, it looks like you guys are dealing with the most flack—a whopping 44.1 malpractice suits per 100K residents. This, compared to say, Hawaii with just 4.9 suits per 100K is enough to send Louisiana docs into another, less dangerous profession. Crocodile wrestler, anyone?
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