Louisiana Shoppers Express Outrage Over Walmart Checkout Changes
Louisiana shoppers who frequent mega-retailer Walmart have got to be thinking "We're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't". At least that's the vibe that we have picked up on from Walmart customers who have expressed concerns, no outrage, over the giant retailers' change in checkout strategy.
If you haven't been to a store in quite a while one of the first things you'll notice is most retailers have installed self-checkout lanes or kiosks. The idea seemed sound at the time. Guests with a few items and the physical ability could scan their own items, pay with their credit card, and be on their way.
Naturally, some ne'er-do-wells started shoplifting via the self-checkout lines so that had to be curtailed and enhanced and now Walmart has made even more changes that some customers say could cost the store their business.
In some locations of Walmart, the self-checkout lanes are only made available to those who are members of Walmart+. I can certainly see how that change would raise the ire of anyone who is attempting to spend money at the store.
The second issue that customers have mentioned involved the closing of some self-checkout lanes during the store's busiest hours. This forced more shoppers to get "checked out" the old-fashioned way, you know with a person.
But perhaps the biggest pain in the proverbial backsides of Walmart shoppers are the locations where self-checkout is limited to 15 items or less. One shopper we read about reported that she had 23 items and was turned away from self-checkout. Instead, she was placed behind eight other shoppers with fully loaded carts.
For their part the company is looking for feedback from you, their customers to help them navigate their way through the current self-checkout conundrum. You can reach out to Walmart via their social media sites. They do ask they you provide specifics in your complaint, So, at least they are attempting to listen to you and they seem eager to make it right.
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