It's more shocking than finding out you have a family member who is a radio DJ. Today, I found out my brother and his wife are becoming YouTube celebrities.
Are you the type to watch what foods you include in your diet? If so, you may want to take a look at these few health foods that could possibly be harmful.
If you are what you eat then a Louisiana Senate Committee wants you to know the full story of who you are. A bill has been sent to the full Senate that would require chain restaurants to fully disclose nutritional information to all consumers.
How is your New Year's resolution to eat healthier going? Hopefully you are remaining successful and already feeling better inside and out. Eating healthy isn't as difficult as many people think. Here are seven, simple eating healthy rules to live by.
Some parents are under the illusion that just because they give their little curtain climbers juice instead of bouncing them off the walls with soda that they are somehow providing them with a lesser evil.
There are times when the dining area of a fast food joint looks more like the savage confines of an arctic wolf den with a pack of mangy inhabitants tearing a bloated caribou limb from limb.
If you are one of those health nuts who has been counting and cutting calories under the preconceived notion that living on a Third World country starvation diet is the key to achieving longer life – man, do we have some news for you.
For years, the conventional wisdom among diet experts is that so-called “yo-yo dieting” — repeatedly gaining and losing weight — wreaks havoc on one’s metabolism, causing it to slow down.
But as it turns out, that may not be so true after all.
If you’re a student who’s investigating colleges and you’re also a big fan of bacon and sausage, you can go ahead and mark Paul Quinn College off your list — the school has just banned all pork products from its campus.
Here is a video that a Dad with a whole lot more talent than me created. He used his son playing with his toys as the basis for the track. He added some rhythm and a very kid friendly vocal track and voila the song you might could use to help your kid have fun drinking his or her milk.
It’s May and that means that soon we’ll be celebrating our Mexican heritage, much like we all celebrate our Irish heritage in March…even when we have neither. Cinco de Mayo is a great excuse to leave work early, eat tortilla chips and drink more tequila than sanity allows, but is it starting to feel just a little bit like the same old thing?
I remember growing up my Mom and Dad telling me that certain foods were good for certain bodily functions. Carrots are good for your eyes, milk is good for your bones, beans are good for when you want to be alone. Well scientist have discovered that certain foods actually can help improve your memory.
I know eating certain kinds of peppers can make the top of my head sweat but I didn't know that what was in my salad might also help me with my health glow! With all you see and hear about tanning and the negative effects it can have on the body, here is one way you can get that great Summer time healthy look, and actually do more than just look healthy.
It seems like I am always feeling better when I am eating chocolate. Now is that a fact or just a Bruce fact. I have heard that chocolate is great for getting "in the mood" if you know what I mean, but does it help with actual depression?
Summer in the hot dirty South, you and your friends have been playing in the late afternoon heat, you're thirsty. In our day that meant a quick stop at the garden hose. Remember having to let it run until it cooled off? Kids and grown folks today are more likely to hit the fridge and grab a bottle of water, but is there that much difference from the hose to the bottle?
Haven't we all been eating way to much food? Maybe drinking to much? Well Miranda Lambert has brought the "Kerosene" and burned away her bad eating habits...And she feels so much better! What's she doing?