Today Is No Housework Day
You read that correctly. Let the laundry sit in the hamper or on the floor or on the lamp where you threw it last night. Let the dishes sit in the sink for 24 more hours. Let the throw pillows lie, let the dust ruffles rest. It is No House Work Day.
Finally a holiday all of us can wrap our arms around. I know for a lot of us men everyday is no housework day. Even when we do housework we only make it worse. That explains why my pink hair matches my pink shirts and my pink under drawers. Yeah, there was a red towel why do you ask?
When it comes to household chores the one chore we as Americans hate the most is cleaning the bathroom. Besides all the little nooks and crannies, if you live in a family with men and boys, there is wayward poo and pee everywhere. After cleaning out the outhouse Americans hate doing dishes, then laundry, then cleaning the kitchen. Those facts were compiled in a survey by CLR cleaning products
Regardless of what chore you hate the most around your house today is the day to just let it lie. You can walk around that pile of clothes, as long as it's not following you, for one more day. So what if the dog is stuck to the kitchen floor, he likes it in there. Who cares if you jump into bed and break your sheets, it can all wait until tomorrow. Today is a day to celebrate. I suggest we all go outside and discover the joys of Malt Liquor.