Zippia’s 20 Best Companies to Work For in Lafayette
According to career expert website Zippia.com the 20 best companies to work for that are headquartered in Lafayette are below. Their criteria is based on salaries, company financial health and employee diversity. If you are looking for work, you might want to start with these. You can also check out the description of the companies here. The Zippia score is next to the name of the company
- PHI 4.9
- Acadian Ambulance 4.7
- Stone Energy 4.7
- LHC Group 4.4
- Stuller 4.3
- Lafayette General Health 4.3
- Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center 4.2
- Uci Communications 4.1
- KLFY TV 10 4.1
- System Forward America 4.1
- ATC Group Services 4.1
- Home Bank 4.0
- Graham Group 4.0
- Tops Appliances and Cabinetry 4.0
- Schumacher Clinical Partners 3.9
- Voorhies & Labbe - Professional Law 3.9
- Service Chevrolet Cadillac 3.9
- MidSouth Bancorp 3.9
- Giles Nissan 3.9
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