Broussard Stands By Position That New High School Should Have A Neutral Name
The saga over what to name the new high school in south Lafayette continues with the City of Broussard weighing in with some numbers.
The Broussard Mayor Charlie Langlinais along with council members have announced via press release today that they continue to stand by their position that the new high school on the south side should be a neutral name.
Broussard Councilman Ray Bourque points out in a press release,
"A look at the numbers shows that this school is getting built on the tax base of Broussard. We have new LPSS projects getting under way in Broussard and at no time have we asked or will we ask that the City of Broussard be used in the name. We ask for the same courtesy and consideration for the new school in Youngsville."
Mayor Charlie Langlinais points out that,
"While the physical location of the school is in Youngsville, the student population of the school will only have 33% attendees from Youngsville. The rest of the population will come from Broussard, Lafayette, Milton and unincorporated areas of Lafayette Parish. The name of this school should reflect the diverse geographic makeup of the student body."
According to Broussard's figures, their city has contributed close to 52 million dollars in sales to the Lafayette School System between 2012 and 2016. They point out that Youngsville contributed around 16 and a half million during the same time period.
If you compare property taxes, Broussard has contributed around 33 million dollars to the school system, while Youngsville contributed around 11 millions dollars.
Many in Youngsville contend that since the school is being built in that city it should bare the name Youngsville High School.
The Lafayette Parish School Board will vote on the issue April 6.
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