National Guard Mobilizing In Advance Of Flood Threat
When the people of Louisiana need them the most, Louisiana's citizen soldiers, the National Guard is ready to serve. It's been that way since the Guard was formed. Today men and women who work along side you during the week and serve our state and our nation on the weekends are at the ready to help protect life and proper from anticipated rising water.
Beginning today Louisiana National Guardsmen will begin 24 hour levee inspections in Concordia, East Carroll, Madison, and Tensas Parishes. Their mission is to look for seepage in the levee system and to help in other ways.
Engineering missions to assist with building barriers. We're supporting the Corps of Engineers with aviation flights. We're flying over the levees and the spillways.
Col. Pete Schneider told the Louisiana Radio Network that the Guard is bringing on additional soldiers and airmen to aid in flood preparations across the state.
As of this morning, we've brought on 114 soldiers and airmen to assist almost 20 parishes to prepare for the flooding.
Col. Schneider anticipates more Guardsmen will be called into action during the coming days as conditions change. The Morganza Spillway is expected to be opened on Monday and that could lead to high water situations in other parts of the state.
We've got 10,000 soldiers and airmen in the state of Louisiana. As the missions continue to come in, the National Guard will be there with manpower, with equipment, with resources to provide for the state.
Already 13-thousand sand bags have been sent to Avoyelles Parish and West Feliciana Parish in anticipation of high water. Should their be a need for more Louisiana National Guardsmen will be at the ready to lend a hand.
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